
I believe in testing out and trying new ideas. Not only do I learn about whether the ideas might work or not, but I learn about myself in the process too. Here are a few projects/experiments:

  • How products get built: a project exploring how organizations (not just product teams) work together to build and ship great products. There are a million different ways companies structure the teams/groups/people that are creating products– and I’d like to accumulate and organize that information so that leaders can make better decisions about those structures.
  • Runatical: Running vacations (no, it’s not an oxymoron, I promise)
  • Global children’s books: For a lot of years, I pondered how to tie my interest in travel and cultural explorations (70+ countries), photography, and children’s books all together– and never landed upon anything all that unique. After having kids, and reading incessantly to them, I realized I’m always interrupting the stories to ask them questions. Then it hit me: I could help kids explore a country/culture through a high level story arc of pictures and just simply asking them questions. Two books done, more coming. Feedback welcome.

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